Friday, January 18, 2008

Edward's Camp Scores Home Run

By: Loren Shimanek

John Edward's camp scored a home run with a print ad campaign that seemed to tug at the hearts of voters with images of despair and destitute children. The noteworthy achievement deserves adequate press.

Also, Erica Huckabee's camp got smart and issued complimentary mini candy bars with messages affixed to them : "Huckabee for President." This was not only clever, but tasty.

Meet the Press, the NBC hosted show, was well anchored and well produced. Clips from the campaign announcements, informative news stories, and coverage of the Bill Clinton UCD speech were well executed. Analysis from a panel of news analysts from the Davis Enterprise, TIME magazine, and our own Loren Shimanek, Op-Ed columnist, contributed insightful and discerning feedback. Some in the political camps said the feedback ran from slightly "mean spirited to complimentary."

The finale of the show had the anchor from NBC news ask questions to both Senator Clinton and Senator McCain. When asked about Mayor Giulinai's self-appointed credit for the Twin Towers rescue and recovery on 9/11 Sen. Clinton remarked that it was not solely the mayor, but that "many lived because of me." Another statement made by the Democratic candidate was that age wasn't a concern and the appearance of her husband at UCD was an attempt to "restore faith in college age" voters; however, Sen. Clinton did say experience is what matters which many college age students may lack, at least compared to Clinton's 35 years as a public servant who has "never taken a break." Possibly the Giuliani camp will refute or accept these remarks about the conflicting statment on 9/11 made by Senator Clinton?

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