Saturday, January 19, 2008

Clinton Wins Nevada Democratic Caucuses

By: Loren Shimanek

"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Nevada caucuses, appearing to siphon union votes away from Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential candidates faced off in their first major contest in the West." - New York Times 1/19/08 (Real NY Times)

Mitt Romney grabbed the Republican caucuses without much struggle, even though he's sick and has long dropped out of the more important SOC 118 primaries, but support for the Ron Paul and Erica Huckabee campaign gained some momentum. Also, Mayor Giulinai's bid is looking like it may have run out of steam.

The South Carolina primaries should be interesting with a hopeful John Edwards and John McCain grabbing the much needed delegates. Both candidates need decisive victories to remain potent throughout the rest of the campaign.

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