Thursday, January 31, 2008

And then There was Arnie...

By Loren Shimanek

It looks the Governator will endorse Senator John McCain. According to an advisor close to the Schwarzenegger office disclosed to media sources that the Governor will endorse Senator McCain. Hasa la vista... it's not a tumor... Junior... Twins, yeah, have fun with that one McCain. This news coincides with the Republicn debate that occurred in Southern California yesterday. John McCain and the mysteriously campaigning Mitt Romney, even though he has dropped out of the race weeks ago the former Governor of Massachuttes continues to gain votes and campaign feverishly, infact many analysts have questioned this tactic as a the "never fear Underdog is here" method of campaigning, exchnaged words and shared uncomfortable eye ball sneering. Ron Paul showed-up and did what Ron Paul does: be Ron Paul. Erica Huckabee totally burned everyone while being the sole woman in the debate and brought a mature non-offensive stance with her fellow candidates. Huckabee was able to give a sermon and prayer at the UC Davis campus where she impressed the attendees who showed to oppose the moderate conservative. Either way, they're all Republicans and made me feel angry about the prospect of any of them winning, except possibly Erica Huckabee because she is a wild card in the GOP party.

John Edwards said "see-ya." Well, he said the race was over for him, but we'll see as Edwards is a Die Hard fan and loves it when Bruce Willis says, "yippe-ky-yay Mutha _____." So, hopefully this was just a lapse in his ability to feel good about himself. We all need some omega-3's, ya know? This guy is great. Unfortunately, I had to be a journalist this week; my widely popular with the Edwards campaign Op-Ed pieces had to come to a close. I still support the guy. He's great. He's John Edwards. If he stays in the race, or re-renters the race I'll be there for him. Oterwise I've gotta move on, we'll all have to move on, and support Barack Obama if he (she) ever says anything that really sticks to the ribs (this is a freebie Obama, get it together for the debate if you wanna get some votes over the other two Dems). We'll find out later today in SOC 118 which has become the central hub of political switch-flipping.

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